We believe that you will not get paid!
Please contact for more info on Fournier Group Limited.
If you have supplied Fournier Group Limited t/a AKG Brands, contact for more information. You are searching the company for a reason and this page is intended to alert you. Your intuition is most likely right!
If you are looking for details to contact the Fournier Group Limited t/a AKG Brands, please contact us. If you are a liquidator, please use the form below.
We are owed money and would like to put in a claim.
We will provide information on our interactions with Fournier Group Limited t/a AKG Brands.
4 UK Recruitment Agencies have supplied Fournier Group Limited t/a AKG Brands, paying the same temp worker, Soltaan and as far as we are aware, there is no payment to date.
Fournier Group Ltd t/a AKG Brands, akgbrands.com has approached many UK agencies to supply, they will provide the candidates and essentially the agency will payroll the workers.
The deal is too good to be true and that is certainly the case with AKG Brands and the Fournier Group, take care and be informed that other companies have never received payment.
This page is to save UK Recruiters from losing money, so if you have not supplied or paid a worker yet for the Fournier Group or AKG Brands, then please be on your guard.
Do more checks and look at everything before doing so. Save your Company from any potential losses. Do not leave any stone unturned.
Go to the company addresses provided for Fournier Group t/a AKG Brands in the UK. Avoid dealing with them only on email. Notice that all the directors at Companies house are NOT UK based.
If you have supplied Fournier Group Ltd t/a AKG Brands and have not been paid. Please consider reporting the incident on the Action Fraud website. You can cancel the report IF you receive payment.
However you are not the only agency that has supplied Fournier Group Ltd t/a AKG Brands and not been paid. If you paid a UK temp, then they have the money and would be a suspect in any alleged scam.
If your agency has lost money and you make a report on the Action Fraud website, it will link your case to other similar cases.
If you are asked to supply temps, please send information so we can add it to our investigation as the same people seem to have many different emails and numbers. Any CVs, contact info, passports etc. will be useful to stop this alleged scam.
Quickbutchershook.com advises you not to supply Fournier Group Limited t/a AKG Brands
Look closely at the TEMP PAID, chasing the company is fruitless, the company is not real.
META BUSINESS LTD Company number 13894967
Fournier Group ltd t/a AKG Brands
Agricultural Legend Limited
Directors Linked to Fournier Group ltd t/a AKG Brands
Evaluated and decided not to supply
Exelence Technologies Fintech Private Limited
If it’s too late, and you’re an agency who has already been impacted by contractor recruitment fraud, whether it is Fournier Group Ltd t/a AKG Brands or any other company:
Report it to JobsAware
Send evidence of phishing emails
Report the contractor recruitment fraud to ‘Action Fraud’ using the “NFIB9 business trading fraud” category
Report impersonation Fraud to ‘Action Fraud’ using the above link but via the “NFIB1H advanced fee fraud” category