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Use the power of SEO and get more candidates applying to your jobs in Durban North. Pages on are individually optimized for search engine optimization.
This means that your job in Durban North advertised on will be seen directly by Candidates searching and landing on your page.
Once a page is written for your job in Durban North, it is done and you get the response.
This differs from a Job Site where customers paying more get higher hits and you will find that on some sites pages written for your job are redirected to pay per hit jobs that are not relevant to the search in hand.
Your first advert for a
job in Durban North on will be a free advert, all
jobs will be assessed for suitability and you will get a response in 24 hours as to whether your job in Durban North
is selected.
To advertise a Job in Durban North on, the fee is R500.00 per job.
The job in Durban North stays on the site for 6 months and any job response will come directly to you. Apply now for a free job in Durban North advert page and test the power of search engine optimization.
After your first job advert has been live for 2 months, you will be invoiced the R500.00 if you still want the advert for your job in Durban North to remain on the website.
Complete the form below to get your job in Durban North live today.
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